Monday, December 14, 2009

Really laissez-faire capitalism

A Reuters article tells about investment opportunities in the Somali pirate enterprise:
Piracy investor Sahra Ibrahim, a 22-year-old divorcee, was lined up with others waiting for her cut of a ransom pay-out after one of the gangs freed a Spanish tuna fishing vessel.
"I am waiting for my share after I contributed a rocket-propelled grenade for the operation," she said, adding that she got the weapon from her ex-husband in alimony.

Read the whole story here. I knew a guy had to sell his better guns to settle a breakup, but never anyone who had to give up an RPG in the family-law court. For some unfathomable reason the U.S. has imported a bunch of Somalis and settled them in Minneapolis. It appeared to me in a layover in the airport there that the clean-up crews were mostly Somalis … another shining example of American immigration policy.


Pilot said...

Give us your tired, your poor. Your wretched refuse.........

.........I lift my lamp beside the golden door.

Edith Ann said...

This gal could redefine divorce settlements. Man, if I'd have known then, what I'm learning now--well, all I can say is I'd have had it all!

The Loon said...

The Mossberg, the Colt, the Model 94, the plastique …

Anonymous said...

Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!