Thursday, December 24, 2009


Filthy weather and high winds. This pic recapitulates a fog shot a few days ago. We sent this one out as 'Surf's up, a la **Adrift.' The primo said he thought he detected a pipeline in those little whitecaps.
Just disposed of some leftover leg of lamb in a little bogus curry, just a roux with chicken stock and curry powder and garam masala added … now the house smells like a Ft. Stockton motel lobby. That's not a bad thing. I love curries of all sorts – Thai, Vietnamese, Indian, Burmese.
We are bracing for a week-long menagerie with a large assortment of adults, children, and dogs all bashing around in the same 1,600-ft ecosystem. Should be interesting. I meant to say something else, but it escapes my scattered mind right now. A Merry Christmas to all or Whatever.
Not a lot of ads in the paper the last couple of days. Hear they've lost two more sports writers after losing the third or fourth sports editor in a year. Workers' paradise it ain't.


Sugar Magnolia said...

And did you hear Leslie Willlburrrr has fled for parts Western (Colorado)? Dropping like flies, I tell ya. I spoke my mind earlier about a "sponsored blog" by Janey Lack - have you seen it? Disgraceful move by both Lack's and the VicAd, although not everyone agrees with me. My opinion is that such advertisements, and make no mistake, it IS an advertisement, has no place in the blogs. If a business wishes to advertise, of course I have no problem with that. Just label it as such. Don't pretend it is anything but. This is a sick, sorry joke the VicAd has pulled on the public, and I hope both Lack's and the VicAd goes down in flames because of it. I told Janey that her little ploy will backfire, at least with this chick, for they have lost a customer.

So how's that for a merry how-do-you-do? The strange thing is that even some fellow compatriots don't find much fault with this scenario. That's okay. They'll get more of this sort of thing, I have a feeling, in the future. To me, it reeks of desperation, with subscriptions and revenue down.

Merry Christmas to yourself and herself, Mr. Loon, and merry woofs and wags to Roux, Moo, Verminella, and Spare Cat. Perhaps the new year will be a sight better, huh?

Truth Ferret said...

Did you try out your new pan for lamb? Make sure that you don't make lead "sinkers" in it.

Enjoyed gettting to know you last weekend.

I like to see your pictures that you have included of your family. I've just learned how to do that on my blog, so you can catch some of my family, also.

Have a wonderful New Year to you and your family.

Warmly, Ferret

The Loon said...

TF – Trust everyone did well for Christmas. I used my fine new Le Creuset pan to overcook a standing rib roast. It's hard to get things right in the middle for disparate preferences. Yorkshire pudding came out great. It was entertaining seeing all of y'all at the big do.
Shug – Mike came through on a flying trip but will be back for NYE festivities. Sure your holiday was good. See ya sometime.