Hoo boy, I've got a big fat juicy target here. Barack Obama delivered a speech on immigration. My mouth was watering.
The president did not disappoint. Every weary old cliché of the open-borders lobbyists was in that speech. "Nation of immigrants"? Check. "Seeking a better life"? Check. "Broken system"? Check. "Impossible to deport 11 million people"? Check. "Breaking up families"? Check. "They must get in line"? Check. "E pluribus unum"? Check. "Statue of Liberty"? Check. "Emma Lazarus"? Check. This speech was a cliché-o-rama.
Derbyshire is a mathematician, an immigrant himself from America's mother country, and thoroughly entertaining guy. Don't nearly agree with him on everything but always enjoy his take on things. I read the transcript of his weekly radio program here, though you can also listen to a rebroadcast.
The longer Obama runs, the less confidence I feel in his judgment. If there's a move that will anger almost everyone but the cheap-labor Rs and the racialist pressure groups, it's a move to hand out amnesty to illegal aliens present in the country now, and as far as most people are concerned, if the illegals are still here when the dust clears, there has been an amnesty. Why don't we find out if we can deport 12 million people before we just declare it impossible?
I'm tellin' ya, if they want to spend some stimulus bucks wisely, they need to go south of the border and find someone making cheap concrete Virgin Mary statues, and start casting truckloads of life-sized statues of liberty with "No Vacancy" chiseled where "give us your tired, your poor" was.....then give every border county from Brownsville to San Diego about a hundred of them..........
Just don't let George W proofread the engraving.....
As far as Obammy goes, we might as well have Oprah in the White House.
Pilot - 'cept the "No vacancy" will have to be en Espanol.....
And isn't it ironic? Don'cha think?
OOOOHHH. I think I'm going to go make myself happy and listen to some Alanis Morrisette...
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