The New York Times plans to eliminate 100 newsroom jobs — about 8 percent of the total — by year’s end, offering buyouts to union and nonunion employees, and resorting to layoffs if it cannot get enough people to leave voluntarily, the paper announced on Monday.
Read all that here. Then, when I went from that story to my Gmail, i found that a guy who sends me stuff had sent me a thing about TV stations running high-dollar obituaries in markets where newspapers have faltered. Read that here. Gonna be hard for the genealogists of the future to look up the ancestors on those clips. In a few years, the technology that records those deaths will be obsolete, unlike print, which stays current forever. Every day I note the large number of big death notices in the Vicad. The paper's management may be happily booking the big bucks from paid death notices [and some days the paid obits must compose a large part of the revenue, but the obits should be listed as liabilities, as all those old people gone are newspaper readers, irreplaceable in these post-literate – hell, illiterate – times.
For some unknown reason, in true tabloid fashion, the Advocate has reworked their online obits page. Now they feature celebrity death obituaries prominently with photos and background of the deceased, under the "spotlight" header, then to the right of that in finer pring - a list of local deaths, alphabetically, that you must click on to see the obit. The exception, is any sensational expiration.....which makes the front page, usually with errors and misinformation, that is continuously corrected online, and remains a glaring screw-up in the print edition. I have yet to understand why they hurry so much to press. It's not like they have any competition they are rushing to "scoop" on any given story.....
Aw hell, pring/print - whatever. Now I see why the fellow wrot that "until the keyboard manufacturers move the T and the G farther apart", he refuses to end his emails with "Regards".
The whole obit section is not 'sponsored' by Legacy. Wonder what else will get pimped out for profit?
I kind of like the celebrity thing, but the locals should be the prominent feature.
NOW 'sponsored', not NOT 'sponsored'.
And the W and the T are nowhere near each other...
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